Odds 'n Ends 'n Oddities

This section is intended to be an ongoing compilation of those things that seem strange. Not necessarily wrong or bizarre or messed up but just a bit odd. For Westerners, that includes a lot of the Orient. There are so many little things that are just a bit different in ways you would never have thought of. To help you keep track of what you have seen, each page is dated.

Page 9 - A few items from Vietnam and Cambodia (2004/10/23)

Page 8 - Korea Highway Corporation Ad (2003/11/28)

Page 7 - A few more newspaper articles (2003/09/16)

Page 6 - Everything Old is New Again (2003/09/04)

Page 5 - North Korean Cheerleaders (2003/09/04)

Page 4 - Training for the Handicapped (2003/08/10)

Page 3 - More Odd Signs (2003/06/29)

Page 2 - Newspapers (2003/06/28)

Page 1 (2003/05/08)


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